Tuesday, November 16, 2010


We're recently increased the intensity with which we train. Ed has really been pushing us during regular technique and sparring class, toughening everyone up.

I think as his black belt inevitably approaches, he's beginning to come into his own on how he wants to operate the school. It's neat to see happen.

What that means for me though is a very tiring Wednesday and Thursday. I do drilling on Wednesday night, then turn around and do judo (with sparring) and BJJ back to back on Thursday night. It's exhausting, but really pushes me harder than any competition ever has. In fact, the toughest competitions I've ever been in have been the in-house competition followed closely by every sparring class I've ever been to here.

When I also add in my Tuesday night practice at home and the occasional Friday/Saturday morning that I can go, I can get up to around 5 training sessions a week.

What I'm needing to do now is to change my life when I'm not training. Too much I've been living the days that I'm not training just like I always have. Poor diet, no exercise beyond grappling. I think it's holding me back and it's certainly stalling me in my physical abilities. Sure, technique can overcome a lack of strength and cardio, but combining them all would be the better course.

I'm also noticing, now that I get into better shape with the increased training, that there is a difference between rolling light (meaning not muscling) and rolling lazy. There are times when I need to roll with conviction, seeing the technique and moving with purpose.

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