Today's test was literally one of the hardest things I've ever faced. Consider that I went through basic training and numerous other para-military schools....and never once was I ever as tired as I was today.
I'm not going to spill the details, because it's an unwritten rule that you remain silent about the experience, but a small taste won't hurt.
Phase 1: Utter exhaustion. That's enough about that. I mean really, if I think back to the most tired I've ever been....nothing.
Phase 2: Sparring in the condition created by Phase 1. Fresh people coming at you the entire time, no rest, no quarter. All you have left is technique and heart....and it's still not enough.
Simply put, I was taken to a very dark place today and found the fight inside of me that most people never get to meet. We made friends and I know, no matter how difficult of a match I face in the future, I'll have a reserve that they have never had to tap into before.
My feet are tore up and I popped a rib a bit. The only reason that bothers me is that I'm so ready to get back on the mat, get back on my dieting and start preparing for the Pan Ams.
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