Tuesday, August 17, 2010

It's been a while.

A lot of personal life is going on right now, with Zac starting school, Julia starting preschool, my friend Shane moving in and two exchange students moving in.

Add to that the fact that I start teaching my law school class soon and I'm a little busy.

That being said, I still manage to make it to Tuesday night judo and sparring regardless of what happens the rest of the week. Wednesday night, a fair regular class night, will be off for the next two months as it is one of my teaching nights. Additionally, Saturdays will be off the table, so I'll be clinging to Tuesday and every other Friday terribly (not to mention Thursday night at my house).

Anyway, in judo tonight we worked on the Tai Otoshi body drop. I like these sort of techniques where I allow their moment throw themselves with just a little redirection. I feel much better about a throw like this than I do with a hip throw or even Uchi Mata.

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