Friday, July 8, 2011

Back in the Saddle!

After my blue belt test, I had some healing up to do. I was very excited to be able to come back to training for a seminar with black belt Sidney Silva.

We focused on attacking the back from various positions and I learned a lot about how I've been losing that position after I take the time to get into it. As always, it's minor differences between winning and losing a position.

For instance, taking the back from half guard has always been problematic for me, because I always felt too easily pushed over and thwarted in the process. In just a matter of minutes, Silva showed how we come up backwards, crossing our legs instead of threading a leg through and creating a much stronger base before we even try to come up to the back. That minor difference made something that felt impossible to me before seem very easy today.

I got to do two difference sessions with him, including some rolling time which is always a treat. I'm learning to be more relaxed when rolling with upper belts and to just work the game I always do to see how he breaks it down (which is always does, easily).

I highly recommend getting him for a seminar if you can.

My ribs are better. Not great, but better. I was able to roll, but not with any real power or explosiveness....which is a good thing. I've always tried to avoid relying on muscle, but you use it sometimes without really intending's just natural. With my movement limited by the injury, I'm missing a lot of opportunities and haven't to be more patient. I can't wait to be 100% again.

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