Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Judo class two:

First, I injured myself again. Yippee. Once again, doing cartwheels. My body does not like cartwheels and I will be cheating during cartwheel time from now on. I pulled something in my gluts....so that's just great. Another week of one and done training.

Judo = 2, Allen = 0.

And yet, even with the injuries and the frustration, I can't help but want to go back. I learned so much this week that is useful.

First, during warm up drills, we worked the entry into the classic osoto gari, which can be a terribly nasty throw if you get it the way it's supposed to be done. Once again, I thought I knew this technique from my last school, but I'm finding out more and more that I'd benefit greatly from some mind bleach for most of my previous "learning."

Next, we worked on the entry into Hiza Guruma, and I really like this technique a lot. It really seems like something that would work well when being driven by my opponent. I'd just step to the side a little, kazushi and trap the knee. After I got the motion of it, it felt really good.

Finally, we did some sort of foot technique, which I can't remember the name of. It was not a following foot sweep where you ankle sweep the following leg, but rather, when moving side ways, you block the leading ankle when the two legs come together.

I really enjoyed it, but I need to get my body used to these movements so that I can stop injuring myself. I think that my two years of BJJ is giving me the wrong mindset here. I feel like I should just be able to go in an immediately work things, but I need to take a step back and start over from scratch. This is a new art and I'm going to have to acclimate.

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